How to minimize wrinkles in mature skin
“I am 50+, and I’m seeing my face change before my eyes. I’m saving up for a facelift, but in the meantime, what can I do to minimize the sags and wrinkles and enhance my natural beauty?”
I hear this in the salon every day. Of course, start with good lifestyle habits that include a gentle and natural skin-care routine, a healthy and well-balanced diet, moderate exercise, minimal stress, and sufficient sleep. Anything that benefits your well-being will be helpful. Be sure not to forget the sunscreen.
While the aging process is unique to each individual, premature aging can be controlled to some degree. As we age, our skin’s natural elasticity requires more nurturing to prevent dehydration, and facial massage is a great way to keep your skin well-toned.
Some women grow into greater beauty as they mature. For others who might need a little help, a makeup update every now and then is the best way to maximize beauty at any age.
As our skin changes, we also need to pay attention to new makeup techniques. I see too many women wearing the same makeup they wore when they were in their twenties and thirties. As we age, we need to adjust our makeup application to be subtler and to enhance our natural beauty.
Watch for future newsletters, where I will be sharing some fabulous tips on beautiful aging.
Tijeras Hair Co. offers a number of different European Facials that will aid in keeping your skin beautiful. Click here to see our full European Facial menu.