2801 Indian School Rd NE ABQ, New Mexico 87106
Call (505) 255-5544 to book an appointment

Category: In The News

Stay Safe

To Our Tijeras Family & Friends

What a journey this has been… When the shutdown was announced we went into shock mode, everyone thought, “what next? and how long would this last? Here we are one year and four months later, and we have had the governor lift restrictions as of July 1st, 2021, allowing businesses to use their own discretion …

Vintage Volkswagon Van

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane

Join The Movement Toward Peace & Justice of The 60’s

Tijeras Hair Co Albuquerque Hair Salon

What Has It Taken To Keep Our Salon & Small Businesses Open?

One of the biggest problems that the COVID19 pandemic brought upon us was grown-out roots & shapeless haircuts, making everyone very eager to step foot into the salon again. But a bigger problem that the pandemic brought to us, was the financial burden it had on small/non-essential businesses, especially hair salons. Many salons got hit …


Stay Safe & Beautiful From COVID19!

What a journey this has been. When the shutdown was announced we went into shock mode, everyone thought, what next and how long would this last? We had to catch our breath and go back to work even though there was no income. Salons started talking to each other through the internet sharing advice on …


The New Norm for Tijeras Hair Co.

We are now a NO CASH SALON! All Credit Cards Accepted. Why? Read Below Stated by Charles Gerba, a professor of microbiology and immunology at The University of Arizona, advises people to avoid handling cash, which he called “one of the most filthy things in our society, period.” Paper money is made of cotton, an …

This Is Timeless…

We Hope Everyone Is Staying Safe & Responsible During This Time!

We Miss Our Friends
& Clients Dearly!


Great Things Come In Small Packages!

Check Out Our New Retail Boutique! Great For The Holiday Season & Last Minute Gifts! We Are Pleased To Help You Choose Gift Ideas To Fit Your Holiday Needs!

Tijeras Hair Co.