2801 Indian School Rd NE ABQ, New Mexico 87106
Call (505) 255-5544 to book an appointment

Stay Safe & Beautiful From COVID19!


Stay Safe & Beautiful From COVID19!

What a journey this has been. When the shutdown was announced we went into shock mode, everyone thought, what next and how long would this last? We had to catch our breath and go back to work even though there was no income.

Salons started talking to each other through the internet sharing advice on sanitization protocol, to keep our guests and staff safe. Testing for the staff was mandatory if we were going to open in the months to come.
We started sanitizing from the rafters to the floor and all plants that we love had a haircut and bath. We removed anything that was nonessential, such as magazines, furniture, dishes, coffee pots,etc. off the premises.
It took us over two months to be ready for opening. Ordering new equipment such as touchless items, thermometer, disinfectant, paper towels, containers, and so on. The cost was mounting with no income coming in.

As the months passed everything came together. Tijeras is truly blessed with an amazing clientele who gave us support and encouragement.

The following will ease your concerns for safety. All protocol is in place for your protection and salon staff.

We are now open and working at 25% capacity, so every appt. is a valued appointment, we are asking for a 24-hour cancellation notice.
The Tijeras building is divided into four sections, each section allows one stylist and one guest.

  • When you arrive: Stay in your car until we can take your temperature with a touchless thermometer, we will ask you if you have traveled in the past 14 days. If so, we will ask you if you have been in quarantine for the past 14 days.

If you do not pass those questions, you are asked to rebook for the safety of all.

  • Masks are required for salon staff and guests.
  • You can bring in your own water
  • We are not allowing personal items such as handbags, computers, books, magazines etc. to avoid the spread of germs.
  • You will be given a gallon sized sealable plastic bag to hold your keys, wallet, phone, and other essential items for your protection.
  • Upon entering the building, we ask that you wash your hands and sanitize before your service.
  • Doors are locked to avoid walk-ins and to avoid crowding of any kind.
  • We have implemented touch-less payment procedures and easy computerized check-out and booking.
  • We have eliminated cash payments; we are accepting all credit cards.

All stations are sanitized before your appointment which includes: Combs, brushes, protective capes, shampoo bowls, salon chairs, countertops, doorknobs/handles, light switches, and all equipment that we touch all day. 

Janitorial service has been increased to maintain the cleanliness of the shop.

Thank You for your continual support, we look forward to seeing you! 
By Appointment Only 505-255-5544 
Tijeras Hair Co.